Think Pink Photography is a charitable organization supporting individuals and their families who have been touched by breast cancer. Our world-wide network of photographers has joined together for two main purposes - celebrating life and supporting the cause. We are celebrating life through charitable photography sessions for survivors and their supporters. Think Pink Photography is supporting the cause through donations and various fundraising efforts.
The blog presents photographs taken of individuals and families affected by breast cancer at no charge - as well as a little about who they are. There is also a list of participating photographers. If there isn't one in your area, they recommend contacting your favourite photog. and asking them to become a part of this very special network of professionals.
Once you've located a participating photographer:
Any individual that has been diagnosed with breast cancer or completed treatment within the past 12 months qualifies for a Think Pink Session. Sessions are available to document the fight before or during treatment or to celebrate the victory when treatment is completed. Clients will receive a complimentary session, (20) small prints, and a discount off additional print orders.
According to the About page, the funds that are generated through fundraising and donations are given to the Eric R. Beverly Family Foundation:
As a 3-time breast cancer survivor, Danielle Beverly and her husband Eric joined together to form a foundation dedicated to promoting education, increasing awareness, and providing support and resources for families who have been touched by breast cancer.
There are two ways for people to support this artistic endeavor. First, you can make a donation, or you can partner with a photographer. Simply book your own (paid) photography session (school photos, family photos, special occassion photos, or "just because") with one of the photographers in the network (and remember - if your favourite photographer is not yet in the network, encourage her/him to do so!) and they will make a donation to the The Eric R. Beverly Family Foundation.
2 comments on "Think Pink Photography"
We need some of these in the Maritimes.
I agree, Shelley!
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